Wednesday, May 29, 2013

used without his permission!, note the poetry in his post... 
Jonathon Todd
Somewhere around the fifth cup of coffee, with sugar, cream, quick stir and sigh: you begin to realize that forcing alertness at 3am is fucking absurd.


Watching faces come and go aggressively, pocketing, flickering, full of hunger and worries.
My stomach knots up when I see a car full of people pull up. No longer metaphor, it is a psycho-psychical reaction, like pulling your hand away from a flame.

Dehumanizing work goes both ways: you are the object of angst for others, and you develop a gut angst towards others (even those who are genuinely sincere)

Step outside for a quick smoke, under a cold moon, quiet except for the occasional car, it is peaceful.

The body was not meant to do this.

Short girls / neon green shirts, stoned, ordering mashed potatoes, grasping and grinning:
suggesting contempt....Ha!

Again, coffee. Next rush, I loathe food, I know I should care but I do not.

Mistakes and empathy, and too much wishing and the music is bland, and I will go home and sit in the sun and blink,

It's not the idle which scares me, it's the incessant demand to move and to take this seriously.

How do you take this seriously? When it is clearly a joke?

How do you keep pushing the body to go?

Out side again, someones car door alarm is beeping, I hear feet shuffling, wind echos, I know the man, nice enough: smokes Newport's and always asks for extra matches.

Shit, someone just ordered. I can't even finish my cigarette. Announce the cross, carried poor, nothing romantic / just consistency that sticks to your boots. Now it's all over me and I feel unclean, ah geez what is this nonsense?

Another smoke, hands shaking, thrown into a steal beam, I can't take this job and want to scream of break glass or something.

Christ I'm loosing it.

Now mop, push around dirty water, back and forth...good like that...
Who made this up?
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  • Harry Baker First step complain to management on the its part of your file.... make sure it goes in your file.....then share this article with your doc..... get it in your personnel file...complain your way to day shift.... but im guessing that day shift will suck because the store is full of YUPPIES and CAPITALISTS
    A new study confirms that shift workers — people who work late nights, irregular... hours or mixed night-and-day schedules — are at higher risk of heart attack and strokeSee More
  • Harry Baker if you must work at night try togeth ome BEFORE dawn...thats what really plays HAVOC with your can fool your body if you get home and try to get to sleep in the dark......tell them you have to head home a half hour before dawn on DOCTORS ORDERS...they cant fire sick people yet without getting sued.....
  • Jonathon Todd Thanks for the comments everyone, first just so you know, outside of work I'm very happy. I get to play music, write, meet and hang with amazing friends and my wonderful love, so lest you all think I'm some miserable boob, I do enjoy life. This was written at work, just venting the frustrations of working odd and insane hours and how after almost three years it does wear you down. That being said thanks for the advice and know I'm in the process of trying to change this.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

she needs someone to watch her kid while she works or else work doesnt work for her.  i could do that. its not much money but it's more helping than working anyway.  helpful harry.  taking low paying jobs for gorgeous women.  hottie helper.  thats me.  i cross the country looking for beautiful women to help with their problems.  to start other kindsa problems for them down the road.  i see myself waking up next to a hottie for the rest of her life.  working out the differences and piccadillos into some kind of livable harmony.   or trying again until the shit works itself out, until it runs its course.  work for the future.  work i can sink my teeth into.  yeah.. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

830 at the coffeehouse that is rapidly becoming my home
the line is almost out the door
worker-bee's who need their caffeine
worker-bees who drive into the mall parking lot to access the specialness of this multinational behemouth
half of them must work in the shoppes here
its easy to tell the shoppers from the workers by the way they walk in the door
a vapid docile semi-smile denotes the shopper
the just got beat up by my alarm clock look is the worker

that chipmunk-cheeked  sherriff better stop smirking at me
or he is going to have to explain the bandage on his cheek
where the neanderthal man bit him
hes the kind of guy people call "big guy"
meaning going to fat
meaning "lay off the  donuts"

he may have once been in shape
he may even fancy himself a tough guy
without that badge im giving him my hard ass stare
and asking if he's got a problem
but he 's got a gun too
and a partner
but if he decides to hassle me im going to sweep the leg,
roll on top
and bite a hole in his face
and then he and his partner can beat me uncouncious as they try to recover the slab of flesh from my mouth

neanderthals smiles are alot like those of the other larger primates
we aren't smiling
we are baring our teeth
warning you of impending future events
smiles of friendship are the cro-magnon bastardiztion of the primate code
they smile to sell you bullshit
they smile to get you to sign your life away
they smile before they fuck you
but they do it all legal like

the more of california i see the more i miss the high desert
the stillness
the pitch black skies
the decided lack of people
lord grant me the serenity to keep my teeth to myself
lord spare this poor cop weeks of explanations


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

the job continuum
i was once eager to help
my mood is cheerful by default
im a surly employee because of many bad work relationships

Saturday, July 14, 2012

the envelope of hundred dollar bills is half the size it was
now is the time to think clearly
or piss it away
risk insolvency?

i shall downshift
trucks use low gear

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

friends with jobs
thats my gameplan
i dont work for strangers
i dont work for corporations
unless they are run by family

running out of my inner circle
this last job worked great until it didnt
the joke stopped being funny
about how i was savagely wasting my time
for filthy lucre

i royally fucked the tennis job up
but me working 2 jobs?
and drinking like a rugby player?
who saw how that ends a mile away?

me fucking up jobs is WHY i am where i am today
in this lofty post on the outside of society
id post up closer but
you are a bit 2 sweaty for me
i posted up on you the correct way in my teens-20's and thirties

i played that hard "D"

if i find a job that looks "fun" ill take it
i thought poker might be easier
poker is hard
im way too hopeful for the game
im way too loose
im a good guy to have at a table
the pots swell because of my disregard for the gaming tokens

my disregard for the value is supposed to be an asset in the game
but i keep getting bluffed by big tough guys
bluffed off a flush at chester
bluffed off a solid pair
by total air
total air 93 bucks and fifty bucks
i should grow some balls
if im going home broke anyway
go broke on the hero call
go home a broken hero
or grow the stack to heroic proportions!

Friday, June 29, 2012


work is a drug
work is self abuse,
worse than any anorexic
work stifles the self,
                                in pursuit of what?

what makes you think pictures of assholes interest me in the slightest?

work is a maschistic pursuit of future freedom
what about now?

for a chance to never work again i drearily trudge to work each day
boarding trains with souless, unsmiling zombies
the workforce
the work farce
work for yourself, not others
if stuck in a system exploit the flaws
find the soft spot
be the sand that grinds the machine to a halt
be a predator
the man you see smiling and seeming to comply is just waiting for the signal
a predator
the smile is the bait
if you are lucky i will grab a tube of lube when the tables turn
i spit the bit
refuse to do idiotic things
i have a black belt in fucking shit up
as a courtesy i havent yet
im waiting for you to really fuck up
so i can pursue my own dreams whatever they are